Članstvo FECAVA 2021

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Dragi člani SZVMŽ,

Fecava tudi to leto pošilja člansko izkaznico, s katero na kongresih ali drugih dogodkih izkazujete članstvo v SZVMŽ in s tem v Fecavi ter si pridobite članske ugodnosti. Naj vas spomnim - izkaznico si natisnete in izpolnite sami. Izkaznica ostaja nespremenjena od lanskega leta.

Lepo vas pozdravljam in vam želim srečno v 2021!

Urša Ravnik,
predstavnica SZVMŽ v Fecavi.

As we want to find out how much of a demand for a card there is, we decided to keep the design of last year’s membership card.

Please find attached the FECAVA Membership Card which continues to feature the historic personality of Richard Völker, and will enable us to find out if we really need to have another card after 2022.

The new membership card comes in form of a printable e-mail attachment and which should be forwarded to all your members.

After printing from a home computer, the card needs to be personalised by adding the member's name and their signature. Following this, the card needs to be folded and should ideally be laminated.

The card identifies a veterinary surgeon as a Fecava member in order to claim a discounted member or an even further discounted Eastern European CE delegate price at eg a Fecava Eurocongress (further proof of membership might be requested by congress organisers).

PLEASE NOTE:  The new membership card is only needed by members of national companion animal veterinary organisations who have not been issued with a membership card by their own association clearly displaying the Fecava logo.
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