Virtualni kongres BSAVA 2021

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BSAVA kongres je eden največjih svetovnih veterinarskih dogodkov za male živali in bo v živo. Letošnji kongres za veterinarstvo malih živali bo od četrtka 25. do sobote 27. marca 2021. Zagotovljeno bo vse, kar udeleženci pričakujejo od kongresa BSAVA - in še več. Odlični mednarodni predavatelji, več kot 130 ur CPD in širok spekter praktičnih primerov.


asist. dr. Urša Ravnik Verbič, dr. vet. med.

A new, more interactive formula
With more than 100 speakers and a new format that blends clinical, practical and interactive content across a massive number of topics, Congress is highly relevant for every member of the practice. Shorter sessions and the introduction of new two-speaker sessions on day-to-day topics will focus on the information vets need to know in primary care practice with regular opportunities for delegate engagement and questions.
“Following months of meticulous planning we are thrilled that the programme is now live,” said Professor Ian Ramsey, President of the BSAVA. “The sheer range and high quality of our speakers and content, together with our new, more dynamic format takes webinar learning to a new level.”

Who’s who of the veterinary world

The list of speakers is akin to an international ‘who’s who’ of the veterinary world. As a small taster of what’s in store, Holger Volk (Germany) will present on aspects of neurology on a shoestring, including a case-based panel discussion. Bianca Hettlich (Switzerland/Germany) will present a case-based interactive session to help general practitioners decide if a lameness case is of orthopaedic or neurological origin and will be busting some myths. The USA’s Ernie Ward will be speaking about recruitment and retention.
The speakers – including Mike Willard (USA), Jens Ruhnau (Denmark), Daniel Pang (Canada) and Milinda Lommer (USA) – will give short ‘live’ presentations, often in joint sessions, allowing ample time for discussion allowing a dynamic interaction.
The list of UK speakers includes Rebecca Geddes (kidney medicine and nursing), Nicki Reed (feline nursing), Sarah Heath (behavioural alopecia), Adrian Boswood (asymptomatic cardiac patients), Jane Ladlow (BOAS surgery), Penny Watson (liver biopsies, feline triaditis), Dick White (the surgical team); Tim Nuttall (atopic dermatitis), John Chitty on several rabbits, small furries and exotics topics, and many more.

130 hours of CPD available on the platform for two months

Four simultaneous live streams will deliver 80+ live sessions covering 24 module topics, together with a library of 100 on-demand webinars and other resources for the practice to bring delegates more than 130 hours of CPD. Many modules have relevant presentations woven in to make them suitable for the whole practice team from clinical directors to practice nurses and managers. There will also be a dedicated exhibitor stream every day. BSAVA Congress headline sponsors include Idexx and Hill’s Pet Nutrition.
The live and on-demand content will be available to delegates on the platform for 60 days, and then via the BSAVA Library.
“Delegates will be able to develop their skills and knowledge on topics they see regularly in practice,” said Professor Ramsey. “To make things even easier we will be providing practical resources such as client handouts for delegates to take back to their clinics. This, coupled with many speakers sharing their own notes and practical resources means less note-taking and a quicker and easier way for delegates to share what they have learnt with their colleagues.”

Great value with rates starting at just £99 +VAT

On the social side the focus is on bringing people together on-line to share light-hearted entertainment and laughter. Delegates can throw some shapes with a virtual disco, exercise their bodies as well as their minds with yoga and unwind with some restorative meditation practices.
“This year’s BSAVA Congress is going to be the most innovative ever and deliver like never before,” said Professor Ramsey. There is plenty of relevant and engaging CPD for every practice professional, with all the convenience of a virtual event. If you haven’t already taken a look at the programme and registered, I urge you to do so now. With prices starting at just £99 (approx. €110) +VAT for BSAVA and FECAVA members*, it represents really great value.” The Congress will be held in English.

To register now visit

*As FECAVA member, proof of membership of one of FECAVA’s member associations may be required. To check, please visit Veterinarians who are members of WSAVA through their national organisation can claim a 10% discount on the BSAVA non-member rate.
For information on how to become a BSAVA member visit:


  • Images attached: Please credit BSAVA 
  • The British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) exists to promote excellence in small animal practice through education and science.  BSAVA is a not-for-profit professional body, founded in 1957 to serve veterinary surgeons treating companion animals, and now includes veterinary nurses.  BSAVA has more than 10,000 members, the majority work in practice as veterinary surgeons or veterinary nurses. 
  • Press Contact for Europe (for media queries in English, German, French, Dutch and Spanish): or call: +33 2 99 07 87 10 
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