Webinar iz področja cepljenja mačk

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Vetpromet in Boehringer Ingelheim vas prijazno vabita na webinar iz področja cepljenja mačk. Število udeležencev ni omejeno, zato vabljeni vsi kolegi, ki vas ta tematika zanima. Predavateljica: Prof. Karina Möstl (članica ABCD skupine in profesorica na Univerzi na Dunaju) – CV predavateljice prilagamo spodaj

Datum: 05.11.2020
19:00 – 20:30 CET (60 min predavanje + 30 min Q&A)
Jezik: Angleški
Vaccination against feline leukemia. Vaccination schemes for indoor, outdoor, shelter and breeder cats; update on SARS CoV -2 in cats.

Za prijavo kliknite na povezavo: https://us02web.zoom.us/webina...

Prosimo da ste ob prijavi pozorni na pravilen zapis vašega imena in priimka, da bomo lahko posredovali pravilen seznam udeležencev Veterinarski Zbornici za priznanje 0,2 točke.

Veselimo se, da se kmalu spet vidimo na spletu!

Prof. Karin Möstl, DVM, member of European Advisory Board of Cat Diseases (ABCD) will discuss with you the current recommendations for the vaccinations, diagnostics of FeLV infection and our current state of knowledge regarding the SARS-CoV-2 in cats, based on guidelines, fact sheets and tools of ABCD. In the second part of the event she will be happy to answer your questions live.
Karin Möstl studied at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Austria) and got her DVM degree in 1978. In the same year she became assistant lecturer at the Institute of Virology of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, where she defended her habilitation thesis in Virology in 1991 (“Pathogenesis, diagnosis and prevention of coronavirus infections”) and was appointed associate professor. Part of this work (“Porcine coronaviruses in Austria”) was awarded by the Austrian Association of Veterinarians.
From 1991 to 1996 she was head of the Institute of Virology (in charge) and since 2004 after reorganization of the department structure she has the position of head of the “Clinical Virology” of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna.
Her research interests include virus infections of cats and dogs, especially corona viruses, as well as pestivirus infections in ruminants. Additionally she has a special interest in teaching Veterinary Virology.
From 1999 to 2008 she was chief editor of “Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift – Veterinary Medicine Austria” and from September 2008 to September 2010 she is Vice Dean for Study Affairs of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienn
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